Apr 25, 2007

My Censored Rap?!

In recent news, Hip-Hop mogul Russell Simmons announced that he is putting a call out to have three words censored out of rap music. The culprits? The words "Ho", "B!tch", and "N!gger" are the ones he's trying to censor. While many rap artists are of course fighting for freedom of speech, his stance isn't against freedom of speech, but rather for a call of limits. The founder of Def-Jam Records (a major hip-hop record dealer) says that the public's outrage to the use of such words casually is growing rapidly. Let's take a look back for a second in the past of some hip-hop moments.

A while ago, the first hip-hop/rap artist won a Grammy. His name was Eminem, aka Marshall Mathers III. Okay, well maybe he wasn't the first, but he was the first to get such an outrage from the public. When public got word of his nomination, outrage was found everywhere. Many parents were against having such a profane artist winning a Grammy. Never-the-less, he won, and the industry would never be the same. Ever since then, there has been an explosion of artists rising from "no-names" to rich hip-hop artists.

Way back in the 80's, when hip-hop was first introduced, it was a way for people to get funky and put rhymes and rhythm together. Take a look at Will Smith or even MC Hammer; they never used a cuss word in any of their hit songs. Now, you can't go very far in hip-hop without using a profound word. However, many people will agree that many things have changed since the 80's; censor laws, popularity, and most importantly - public acceptance. Many people look down upon hip-hop for it's vulgarity, but many teens and young adults can't get enough of it. So, this issue is more than a fight over rights, it's gone to a moral level.

Russell Simmons' decision came only two weeks after DJ Don Imus was fired for talking smack about the Rutgers women's basketball team. The Rutger's Cinderella story to the NCAA championships stopped just short of losing the heart-breaking championship game. To make sure that nothing like that happens to his empire, he (R.S.) called for the ban of "extreme words." Now people have to decide what is exceptable and what is not. People have to remember that this is a form of art and self-expression. Don Imus' remarks were uncalled for, but is rap too out of control too?

Apr 21, 2007

My Kinda Love

I came across a rather interesting quote today~

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy relationships. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Then I began to wonder how true this statement really was. Keep in mind that I'm no psychiatrist or mental health expert, but try to think about this seriously! Because if you fall in love with someone, it's obvious that you will give them all of your love. But what people usually forget in a relationship is why they fell in love in the first place. How can it be that out of almost six and a half BILLION people, you fell in love with that ONE person? Sure, tell yourself that there's plenty of other fish in the sea. But if there are, couldn't it have been someone else? That's what makes love so interesting.

It all comes back to that one reason why you fell in love in the first place. You shouldn't have to ask yourself that question to get an answer, it should already be at the tip of your tongue by now. It's when people lose sight of that; when sights occur, when doubt enters, when you feel that it's not worth it. It's okay if there's an occasional fight, or a doubtful thought, or even a question of commitment, because that gives you something to talk about and reconnect. But when communication fails, that's when you lose sight of that first reason. And that's OK sometimes because we all lose sight of things, but if not corrected, that relationship can turn into something ugly.

Believe me when I say this because I have seen this happen time and time again. I believe my first experience dealing with this was when two relatives of mine started fighting, at first I thought it was just their way of talking to each other, I never thought it would end up in divorce...maybe I've already said too much.

A lack of the right kind of communication between a couple can be a bummer. First hand experience tells me this is true. Whether it's physical or emotional, or even just talking on the phone, feelings need to be expressed without fear of jeopardizing the relationship. Trust me, talking about the right things can only strengthen the bond.

Friendship is that reason why fell in love in the first place. You saw, felt, and wanted a friendship like no other with this person. Cause the only thing better to lean your head on than a table, is a friend. A unique friendship is what everyone wants, and needs. And isn't that what love is?

Apr 12, 2007

My POV on Reality TV (pt. 2)

I can't help but question America's view with American Idol. The new Sanjaya conspiracy has really riled up the country into a unison view of hate. Yet, even though no-one supposedly hates him, how does he keep managing to stay out of the bottom three? Apparently, the show has the right to mix up the contestants in the bottom three. I don't believe, however, that they have the right to boot contestants from the show even if they didn't have the least amount of votes. Who knows? Maybe the producers want to keep Sanjaya in because he makes people tune into the show (to watch him get kicked off). As controversial as it is, I still believe that it's business...

However, I do recall on one particular show that was labelled "immoral." If anyone recalls the reality TV show The Swan, the main point was to turn "ugly ducklings" into beauty pageant contestants, where they competed to become "The Ultimate Swan." Why is this immoral you ask? If turning plastic surgery into a contest doesn't make you think twice, I don't know what will. Many people disliked the show based upon the fact that it basically told young women everywhere "If you don't like they way you look, there's a way to fix that." And if there's a cure for bad looks, then there's a cure for everything...right? Had the show not been cancelled at the end of 2004, I think that there would be a lot more people going under the knife. However, I am only presenting one (slightly extremeist) view point. Keep in mind that the main goal of the show was to help women overcome their own view of themselves. Plastic surgery wasn't the only thing they underwent to compete in the pageant - they had fitness trainers, stylists and the like. But amongst all those, they also had a phsycologist. Keep in mind that many of these women thought that they were the most hideous being to walk the planet. Having that kind of self esteem is definetly unhealthy, and this show was supposed to help "cure" them. Cure them it did, but in doing so, turned plastic surgery into something that it shouldn't be: a game show.

Apr 11, 2007

My Randomness...

On what level or basis can we measure the unmeasurable? Is that even something worth worrying about? If we could measure everything, the world would either be plain, or in ruins. Because if everything could be measured, everybody would have the same amount of everything, making the world very plain. On the other hand, if everything could be measured, everyone would fight about why someone else has more of something...on and on. That's why there is so much unknown about the world. We have to guess and take chances, that way, we can learn and progress forward. To believe that the world should be plain is unthinkable: no cultural difference, no celebrations, and no differentiations. On the other hand, that could be the key to world peace... But is that trade-off worth it? Is it worth leaving behind your culture? Your history? And even though many people would want to leave it, all they'd do is trade it for a "better" one. And that's where fighting begins: the thought of something being better than something else.

Apr 2, 2007

My Fuel for Thought

As you can imagine, our school is aimed at giving back to the public. Part of that giving back is educating us in what we can do to either help or prevent bad things from happening. Well, in one of my classes, we started going over the use of fuel. We were then assigned to research about oil spills. Everyone has heard of the tragedy of the Exxon Valdez, but what has been done to prevent incidents like the Valdez's case from ever happening again? It turns out that there have been MANY more oil spills that have occurred after the Exxon Valdez crash of the coast of Alaska.

To enlighten you on the Valdez's crash, it occurred off the coast of Alaska near Port William Sound. What really caused the crash you may ask? Well, I'll counter that question with another question, What are sailors notorious for? Drinking. And drinking the captain was. In fact, he was so busy getting drunk, when he put the auto-pilot on, he didn't realize that there was a slight error in the navigation that he had given. Of course, there was someone watching right? WRONG! The watchman joined the captain for a couple (or probably a lot) of beers. The Exxon Valdez was going at a speed fast enough to put the entire ship on top of the reef. As a result, almost all of the crude oil that the ship was carrying bled into the ocean, causing massive environmental and ecological damage.

However, a very recent crash has occurred of the Guilmaras Islands (near the Philippines). Although not as much oil spill out of the tanker Solar 1 as the Exxon Valdez, the oil has spread as much as 20 nautical miles, causing 200 of miles of beach sand to become blackened by the industrial oil. Plus, it is also a threat to the economy of the Islands, as well as the Island's environment. If the mangrove trees die, there will be nothing to stop mud from reaching the ocean when the rainy season comes. Then, the coral reefs will die, killing many of the fish. The fisherman depend on the healthy reef for food and money. Everything is being done the communities on Guilmaras Islands and the parent company of the tanker Petron. The company is "doing everything humanly possible to help."

To see other oil spills and their effects, click here.

So now you might be asking "Why do oil spills still occur? Didn't we learn anything from the Exxon Valdez?" Yes we did. Now, all tankers are reinforced with a stronger and more durable hull...not to mention that there's now two instead of one. There are also harsher punishments for violations of safety rules. All is being done to prevent another disaster like the Valdez from happening again, the question is "What are you doing?"