Apr 21, 2007

My Kinda Love

I came across a rather interesting quote today~

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy relationships. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Then I began to wonder how true this statement really was. Keep in mind that I'm no psychiatrist or mental health expert, but try to think about this seriously! Because if you fall in love with someone, it's obvious that you will give them all of your love. But what people usually forget in a relationship is why they fell in love in the first place. How can it be that out of almost six and a half BILLION people, you fell in love with that ONE person? Sure, tell yourself that there's plenty of other fish in the sea. But if there are, couldn't it have been someone else? That's what makes love so interesting.

It all comes back to that one reason why you fell in love in the first place. You shouldn't have to ask yourself that question to get an answer, it should already be at the tip of your tongue by now. It's when people lose sight of that; when sights occur, when doubt enters, when you feel that it's not worth it. It's okay if there's an occasional fight, or a doubtful thought, or even a question of commitment, because that gives you something to talk about and reconnect. But when communication fails, that's when you lose sight of that first reason. And that's OK sometimes because we all lose sight of things, but if not corrected, that relationship can turn into something ugly.

Believe me when I say this because I have seen this happen time and time again. I believe my first experience dealing with this was when two relatives of mine started fighting, at first I thought it was just their way of talking to each other, I never thought it would end up in divorce...maybe I've already said too much.

A lack of the right kind of communication between a couple can be a bummer. First hand experience tells me this is true. Whether it's physical or emotional, or even just talking on the phone, feelings need to be expressed without fear of jeopardizing the relationship. Trust me, talking about the right things can only strengthen the bond.

Friendship is that reason why fell in love in the first place. You saw, felt, and wanted a friendship like no other with this person. Cause the only thing better to lean your head on than a table, is a friend. A unique friendship is what everyone wants, and needs. And isn't that what love is?

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