Feb 28, 2007

My POV on Reality TV

Has anyone really looked at what's on the television recently? Saturday morning cartoons seem to have lost their power over kinds these days, but there's something that just grabs people's attention - Reality TV shows. Now, don't get me wrong; some of the reality shows on TV are indeed interesting and captivating. However, many of the shows that fall in this genre are (in my opinion) generally stereotyped in a category that shouts "stupid."
Take for example ABC's 'Extreme Makeover.' For those of you unfamiliar with this show, a plastic surgeon (along with a hair stylist, fashion expert, and personal trainer) changes men's and women's lives by giving them {ultimately} a new body. Whilesome critics thought that turning plastic surgery into a TV show was the most unethical thing a broadcasting company could do, many people tuned into watch anyway. Viewers watched as an individual's life changed from (generally) poor to good, all from a makeover. Many people were unconfident with their bodies, or complained that they couldn't interact with people because of their [natural] looks. Some people suffered prejudice, and others just plain old bad luck. The result of each patient involves a message being sent out to the viewers (which I will let you decide for yourself). But believe me, the results are actually amazing; take a look for yourself.
You may be thinking to yourself, wow...that sounds familiar. That's because 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' is the more successful and more recognized show from the same producers and company.

Another reality show that I stereotyped was VH1's 'The (White) Rapper Show.' Aside from being ridiculously addicting, this show actaully holds some value for every viewer. While everyone tunes in to see if white people can really rap, the show does more than prove that anyone can rap if they try hard enough. However, this show does more than entertain, it actually educates. Don't believe me? Well, the show is designed to educate viewers about the culture of hip-hop - how it was formed, how it has changed, how it has been turned into the empire it is now, and how it influences people.
Without a doubt, there are some really ridiculous shows out there. (I'm not pointing any fingers but, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader is a strong competitor.) But what may seem like something stupid might actually turn out to be something worth watching.

Feb 26, 2007

My POV on Stupid people

Not a few nights ago did someone drive a car into a tree, killing a young woman in the process. What amazes me is that I constantly drive along that road (which is a couple of blocks from my house) and everyone (yes including myself) seems to speed. While I maybe going 35 in a 25 mph zone, this guy was zooming. I'm guessing he was going around 70 or 80 because it is very hard to lose traction on a road like that. What amazes me more is that the driver at fault NEVER DIES. It always ends up being a passenger (in this case), or a pedestrian. And yet at the same time, this doesn't seem to surprise me, just anger me. Who knows?... Maybe someone kept them on Earth to deal punishment?

People say good things happen to good people. People say bad things happen to people who are careless. Then reality comes in and says "Bad things happen to good people." Synonomous with reality would be unfairness.

Feb 23, 2007

My Recollection

Five years ago, I remember my dad driving me to a local Salvation Army store. He drove our Jeep into the back lot, put it in Park, and got out. He opened the trunk and began talking with another man in the back lot.
"What are you donating?" he asked.
"Clothes," replied my dad. "Mainly children's though."
"Alright, bring the bags here."
As he unloaded the big, black trash bags stuffed with clothes from the Jeep, I remember noticing an old tricycle leaned up against the painted brick wall. The handles were worn out, the metal frame covered in brown rust, and the tires deflated. The man noticed my inquisitive stare.
"Someone threw that back here last night. Such a shame. It can be repaired, but some people just throw things away without a second thought."
"But it's rusty...and the tires have holes in them." I thought he was just joking around.
"I can buy rust remover, a pair of new tires and handlebars for less than you think." he retorted. "Look here son, this bike can still be used. The fellow who threw the bike over the fence thought that it was trash. But as they say, 'One mans trash, another mans treasure.'"
I think I began to understand him.
"This bike can bring a smile to some child's face. You should consider yourself fortunate. Never forget that there is always someone worse off than you, and it's your job to try and help them."
After my dad filled out the last of the papers, he got in the Jeep and began to leave. As he pulled out onto the main street, I glanced inside of the sotre and saw a small child with their mother. The child was pointing at a small pair of shoes resting on a table. It never really occured to me until that point that not all people have jobs or homes or even clothes.

Feb 18, 2007

happeh chinee new yeer

Gong Xi Fa Cai
Yes, you can say "Kung Hee Fat Choy", but it's basically the same thing...

And now onto what this blog is for...

Well, we're about half way through our four day weekend, trying to recover from a very tumultuous week. Since school is the source of all this trouble, anything NOT having to deal with it seems to be an escape route. Ironically, a test at 7:30, a project due at 12:30, and practice after school doesn't help my point. However, as much as possible, I (and many other people I'm sure) try my best to drift off into my own little space where there is no tragedy to be found. Listening to music, playing some drums, heck...even shooting something (not someone) might do some good. But the scar never trully heals... It is that little note etched into the back of our minds that can't be erased or pened away. Only to be lost, and found time to time again.

Feb 16, 2007

Funny first thought

I just realized that many people could do this in school...legally speaking. Rather than MySpace, people could just waste their time (productively) posting...or blogging...whatever. Sounds fun though...