Feb 26, 2007

My POV on Stupid people

Not a few nights ago did someone drive a car into a tree, killing a young woman in the process. What amazes me is that I constantly drive along that road (which is a couple of blocks from my house) and everyone (yes including myself) seems to speed. While I maybe going 35 in a 25 mph zone, this guy was zooming. I'm guessing he was going around 70 or 80 because it is very hard to lose traction on a road like that. What amazes me more is that the driver at fault NEVER DIES. It always ends up being a passenger (in this case), or a pedestrian. And yet at the same time, this doesn't seem to surprise me, just anger me. Who knows?... Maybe someone kept them on Earth to deal punishment?

People say good things happen to good people. People say bad things happen to people who are careless. Then reality comes in and says "Bad things happen to good people." Synonomous with reality would be unfairness.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Then reality comes in and says "Bad things happen to good people." Well, in your current viewpoint, I agree with you. But then, there's the religous question. When good people die, do they go to Heaven? And if you think the answer is yes, then something good happened to that person. They left for someplace better. As for the person who was speeding, living on this home planet of ours has its pros and cons. Without suffering there is no sense of joy. Maybe the person who was speeding needed a wakeup call? Killing an innocent person by something that can easily be avoided is stupid of them, but it also changes their life forever. But who is to say that the pedestrian is a good person? And the driver is a bad person? With such opposite ends and no middle, just two straight viewpoints of black and white, you wouldn't get the whole picture, the whole story on which to base your judgement on.

In the end, I guess what I am trying to get at is: I agree and disagree with what you are saying.