Feb 23, 2007

My Recollection

Five years ago, I remember my dad driving me to a local Salvation Army store. He drove our Jeep into the back lot, put it in Park, and got out. He opened the trunk and began talking with another man in the back lot.
"What are you donating?" he asked.
"Clothes," replied my dad. "Mainly children's though."
"Alright, bring the bags here."
As he unloaded the big, black trash bags stuffed with clothes from the Jeep, I remember noticing an old tricycle leaned up against the painted brick wall. The handles were worn out, the metal frame covered in brown rust, and the tires deflated. The man noticed my inquisitive stare.
"Someone threw that back here last night. Such a shame. It can be repaired, but some people just throw things away without a second thought."
"But it's rusty...and the tires have holes in them." I thought he was just joking around.
"I can buy rust remover, a pair of new tires and handlebars for less than you think." he retorted. "Look here son, this bike can still be used. The fellow who threw the bike over the fence thought that it was trash. But as they say, 'One mans trash, another mans treasure.'"
I think I began to understand him.
"This bike can bring a smile to some child's face. You should consider yourself fortunate. Never forget that there is always someone worse off than you, and it's your job to try and help them."
After my dad filled out the last of the papers, he got in the Jeep and began to leave. As he pulled out onto the main street, I glanced inside of the sotre and saw a small child with their mother. The child was pointing at a small pair of shoes resting on a table. It never really occured to me until that point that not all people have jobs or homes or even clothes.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow, that is a great example of one that phrase, "One's Mans Trash is another Mans treasure." I guess we hear so much about these things in the media, we've grown up with hearing about these things, its become second nature to us. But when we experience first hand these things, there's a different feel to them. Nice name, Davizzle. Great blog. Keep it up!