Mar 13, 2007

My Affairs on the Internal

Would you want to spend your entire life helping people? Slowly turning the world into a better place one life at a time. In turn, your life would become a living hell because you wouldn't be able to turn to anyone; they turn to you. Would a life of self-sacrifice for the better good be a worth-while life?

The reason why I bring up this question is because of a person I know. Everyone goes to this person for help, and in return they receive none. I don't know if it's blown out of proportion or not, but hearing this person explain how they feel - it just seems...intolerable.

I just hate to see people sad or angry, and I always try to get them in a better mood. In a broader spectrum, let's just say I like to help people. The problem is, I admit that I am not the best person to turn to, but should the occasion arise, I take it with full stride. However, to have people turn to you on instinct has always been an "attribute" that I've wanted to aquire. But after trying to help person-who-always-helps-but-gets-none-in-return, I'm starting to rethink that idea. I admit that there is no better feeling than knowing that you have brightened someone's day. But the sweet aint sweet without the sour.

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