Mar 6, 2007

My POV on High School

I find it funny when the median on a test is at or below 50%. That means that the people who gave you the test were testing you more on what you don't know than what you know. And hey, isn't that High School? We are constantly mountains of new information, making it almost impossible for us to develop a single skill in something. BUT WAIT!!! That's what college is for... Yes, yes. And High School is just the introduction.

So what do we do with the mountains of information? We either use it, or lose it. Many people can't even remember things that they've learned in seventh grade (Home Economics anyone?). But in reality, much of that information we obtain from our teachers won't be used ever again after college. Unless you teach math, when are you ever going to use the quadratic formula? It seems like a waste of time and effort; to learn something, then get tested on it, then let it rot away in the back of your head until you die. However, this is the land of opportunity. There is no reason that no one shouldn't succeed in America.

"What if I failed high school English?"
"You're screwed!"

So much seems to ride on our high school transcript that many people lose sight of what can really be done in America. Look at our ancestors and all of the past immigrants who came here with virtually nothing; they worked countless hours and devoted every waking moment of their lives to ensure that we - the future generation(s) - would have a better life. Most of that came through hard labor. Of course no one wants to do it, but that's what makes the end of the week that much sweeter.

Anything can be done in this country, high school graduate or not. Hell, I know someone who got a 2.0 in high school and didn't even go to college. His parent's aren't the proudest, but when I talked to him he seemed eager to go to work every week. Granted he's not earning a triple digit salary by painting houses, but he thinks that he can go somewhere with what he's doing. And with that attitude, I believe he can.

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