May 5, 2007

My Nature Watch

A while ago, I began to realize how desolate our street was in the middle of the day. I walked out the front door into the blazing sun and saw no motion, no life. The wind didn't even bursh the leaves on the trees - everything was as still as tombstones in a graveyard. Akward comparison I know, but that's what it really seemed like, there was absolutely nothing going on. Then, a bird flew into a tree on our front lawn. Curiosly, I slowly approached the tree to see what the bird was doing in our tree. On the side of the tree facing away from the street was a little hole, about the size of an orange, and in it was a nest. I couldn't believe it - there was life on our street after all! Fearing an attack from the parents I moved away and sat down on a little brick wall guarding our front lawn. Normally, I'd just go back inside, but there was no point; all there was was an AC and computer (nothing productive). So I sat and listened, listened to the sound of silence. Then, the wind picked up. The leaves began to rustle, each having it's own unique voice.

All the while, I can't help but think about how this all started out as. Grass-covered hill sides as far as the eye could see, white clouds rolling overhead in the light-blue sky. The wind visible through the grass as it pushes waves and waves of air through each gree blade. I can see myself climbing to the top of the hill (in turn the top of our street) and just lying there in the grass. I then roll down the side of the hill, rolling over and over. My vision inverted, then normal again, then inverted, then normal again. All the while, every care in the world slips away with each tumble I take.

I lose my "happy place" and return to reality. The paths of tar streak across the hillside, houses block the view, and cars disrupting everything in their paths. Not much can make me feel any better about this world, except for that nest. Within that nest lies hope within the future, the furture of a better place, where birds can find a tree anywhere, and people will be able to live in peace with Nature.

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