May 31, 2007

My Interesting Conversation/Argument of the Month

magictg227: if we completely understood ourselves
magictg227: life would be kinda boring

dav1zzle: actaully, it would be spent trying to figure out what other people think of us
dav1zzle: and telling them that they are wronf
dav1zzle: *wrong

magictg227: i don't think anything can go back to its starting point
magictg227: that'd make things too easy

dav1zzle: i never said it was a restart, it just feels like what it used to be
magictg227: except you don't have as much gas as you started
magictg227: or your tires a bit more worn out
dav1zzle: ah, but you're at the pit stop
magictg227: so more gas
magictg227: and new tires
magictg227: but same driver

dav1zzle: yes
magictg227: and the driver already went around the track once
magictg227: so his eyes
magictg227: might be a bit tired
magictg227: and its hot in the car
magictg227: and he's sweating

dav1zzle: ah, but now he knows what's comin round
magictg227: ah
magictg227: yes
magictg227: k you win

dav1zzle: YAY!!!

May 10, 2007

My Dreams...

I belive that very few people my age know what it's like to let go of something very precious. I don't think I even know what I can define as precious in my life, but I have a few starting points. So goes the saying "You don't know what you got till it's gone." And I believe in that to the fullest. Too many times do we take things for granted - many of us don't even realize the amount of sacrifices our parents have made for us. Our coaches and teachers and guiders have deffinetly given up a lot of their time for us as well. Without their losses, we wouldn't have been able to further ourselves as people.

Sacrificing time, commitment, and even fun is very hard to do for us teenagers. Caught up in our own worlds of school, friends, and relationships, we barely have time to think about the moral values of our decisions. I have to say that I rarely look into the long-term consequences of my everyday actions, and I believe that THAT is one of my issues dealing with prioritizing. However, I will say that I haven't had to give up much - just some time with friends in order to study or a "lazy sunday" for work. But I will say this - I believe that I have indeed given up some major things within my life-time. I mean, there could be a snowball effect involved.

Something starts off small, like a small snowball at the top of a hill. But over time, it grows within you, and doesn't stop untill it's too big for you to handle. By the time the snowball reaches the bottom of the hill, it's as big as a house!

All I'm saying is that giving up the thing you want most isn't something small to do - you have to tell yourself to let go, even when you don't want to. That to me is the greatest human struggle. Infact, I was watching MIB not too long ago, and I distinctly remember a conversation between Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) and Agent J (Will Smith):

J: Well you know what they say: 'It's better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all-"
K: Try it.

May 6, 2007

My Mother's Day

Actually, if it weren't for Mother's Day, I can guarantee you that more than half the people in this world wouldn't even remember to thank their moms every once in a while. About four out of every five [Caucasian] American doesn't even know what filial piety is. The reason why I included the [Caucasian] part is because many Asian people were brought up with having strong family bonds, in turn paying respects to past ancestors. So, there is a strong sense of filial piety in a lot of Asian families. In fact, here's how my {early} Mother's Day routine went:

1) Wake up, make breakfast and coffee for mom.
2) Drive to Grandparents house, wash and polish grandmothers car.
3) Drive home, clean house for next 3 hours.
4) Begin cooking around 1:00pm.
5) 5:30, party starts.

I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm just saying that without Mother's Day, many of us would completely forget about our Moms...(mums...mothers...all the same). I can honestly say that I don't thank my mom (or my dad for that matter) as often as I should. Even if it's over the small things, I hardly thank my mom. It seems like someone out there realized that without someone or something telling you to thank your mom, no one would do it.

Of course there's the birthday parties and the Christmas presents, but what about when it really matters. For example, if you [want to] talk to your parents about life, they take their time to listen what you have to say. They might even offer advice. Given the fact that they've been in the world longer than you have, that kind of information is way more often than not, valuable. That deserves a thank you. They don't have to listen to you, they don't have to take time off of their busy schedules to hear what you have to say, but they do anyway.

I realize that the more I look at (and criticize) the behavior of people my age, the more I realize that I'm a hypocrite. I know that I don't thank my mother enough, yet, it really ticks me off to see teenagers get angry at their parents for picking them up late. Kids these days should realize that parents don't have to pick you up from school - you could always catch The Bus, or better yet, walk. And withing regards to strict parents, I agree that sometimes parents can push the borderline, but it's always for the better. I can't count how many countless times my parents have saved my behind by their restrictions. Impossible it may sound, but true none-the-less.

May 5, 2007

My Nature Watch

A while ago, I began to realize how desolate our street was in the middle of the day. I walked out the front door into the blazing sun and saw no motion, no life. The wind didn't even bursh the leaves on the trees - everything was as still as tombstones in a graveyard. Akward comparison I know, but that's what it really seemed like, there was absolutely nothing going on. Then, a bird flew into a tree on our front lawn. Curiosly, I slowly approached the tree to see what the bird was doing in our tree. On the side of the tree facing away from the street was a little hole, about the size of an orange, and in it was a nest. I couldn't believe it - there was life on our street after all! Fearing an attack from the parents I moved away and sat down on a little brick wall guarding our front lawn. Normally, I'd just go back inside, but there was no point; all there was was an AC and computer (nothing productive). So I sat and listened, listened to the sound of silence. Then, the wind picked up. The leaves began to rustle, each having it's own unique voice.

All the while, I can't help but think about how this all started out as. Grass-covered hill sides as far as the eye could see, white clouds rolling overhead in the light-blue sky. The wind visible through the grass as it pushes waves and waves of air through each gree blade. I can see myself climbing to the top of the hill (in turn the top of our street) and just lying there in the grass. I then roll down the side of the hill, rolling over and over. My vision inverted, then normal again, then inverted, then normal again. All the while, every care in the world slips away with each tumble I take.

I lose my "happy place" and return to reality. The paths of tar streak across the hillside, houses block the view, and cars disrupting everything in their paths. Not much can make me feel any better about this world, except for that nest. Within that nest lies hope within the future, the furture of a better place, where birds can find a tree anywhere, and people will be able to live in peace with Nature.

Apr 25, 2007

My Censored Rap?!

In recent news, Hip-Hop mogul Russell Simmons announced that he is putting a call out to have three words censored out of rap music. The culprits? The words "Ho", "B!tch", and "N!gger" are the ones he's trying to censor. While many rap artists are of course fighting for freedom of speech, his stance isn't against freedom of speech, but rather for a call of limits. The founder of Def-Jam Records (a major hip-hop record dealer) says that the public's outrage to the use of such words casually is growing rapidly. Let's take a look back for a second in the past of some hip-hop moments.

A while ago, the first hip-hop/rap artist won a Grammy. His name was Eminem, aka Marshall Mathers III. Okay, well maybe he wasn't the first, but he was the first to get such an outrage from the public. When public got word of his nomination, outrage was found everywhere. Many parents were against having such a profane artist winning a Grammy. Never-the-less, he won, and the industry would never be the same. Ever since then, there has been an explosion of artists rising from "no-names" to rich hip-hop artists.

Way back in the 80's, when hip-hop was first introduced, it was a way for people to get funky and put rhymes and rhythm together. Take a look at Will Smith or even MC Hammer; they never used a cuss word in any of their hit songs. Now, you can't go very far in hip-hop without using a profound word. However, many people will agree that many things have changed since the 80's; censor laws, popularity, and most importantly - public acceptance. Many people look down upon hip-hop for it's vulgarity, but many teens and young adults can't get enough of it. So, this issue is more than a fight over rights, it's gone to a moral level.

Russell Simmons' decision came only two weeks after DJ Don Imus was fired for talking smack about the Rutgers women's basketball team. The Rutger's Cinderella story to the NCAA championships stopped just short of losing the heart-breaking championship game. To make sure that nothing like that happens to his empire, he (R.S.) called for the ban of "extreme words." Now people have to decide what is exceptable and what is not. People have to remember that this is a form of art and self-expression. Don Imus' remarks were uncalled for, but is rap too out of control too?

Apr 21, 2007

My Kinda Love

I came across a rather interesting quote today~

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy relationships. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Then I began to wonder how true this statement really was. Keep in mind that I'm no psychiatrist or mental health expert, but try to think about this seriously! Because if you fall in love with someone, it's obvious that you will give them all of your love. But what people usually forget in a relationship is why they fell in love in the first place. How can it be that out of almost six and a half BILLION people, you fell in love with that ONE person? Sure, tell yourself that there's plenty of other fish in the sea. But if there are, couldn't it have been someone else? That's what makes love so interesting.

It all comes back to that one reason why you fell in love in the first place. You shouldn't have to ask yourself that question to get an answer, it should already be at the tip of your tongue by now. It's when people lose sight of that; when sights occur, when doubt enters, when you feel that it's not worth it. It's okay if there's an occasional fight, or a doubtful thought, or even a question of commitment, because that gives you something to talk about and reconnect. But when communication fails, that's when you lose sight of that first reason. And that's OK sometimes because we all lose sight of things, but if not corrected, that relationship can turn into something ugly.

Believe me when I say this because I have seen this happen time and time again. I believe my first experience dealing with this was when two relatives of mine started fighting, at first I thought it was just their way of talking to each other, I never thought it would end up in divorce...maybe I've already said too much.

A lack of the right kind of communication between a couple can be a bummer. First hand experience tells me this is true. Whether it's physical or emotional, or even just talking on the phone, feelings need to be expressed without fear of jeopardizing the relationship. Trust me, talking about the right things can only strengthen the bond.

Friendship is that reason why fell in love in the first place. You saw, felt, and wanted a friendship like no other with this person. Cause the only thing better to lean your head on than a table, is a friend. A unique friendship is what everyone wants, and needs. And isn't that what love is?

Apr 12, 2007

My POV on Reality TV (pt. 2)

I can't help but question America's view with American Idol. The new Sanjaya conspiracy has really riled up the country into a unison view of hate. Yet, even though no-one supposedly hates him, how does he keep managing to stay out of the bottom three? Apparently, the show has the right to mix up the contestants in the bottom three. I don't believe, however, that they have the right to boot contestants from the show even if they didn't have the least amount of votes. Who knows? Maybe the producers want to keep Sanjaya in because he makes people tune into the show (to watch him get kicked off). As controversial as it is, I still believe that it's business...

However, I do recall on one particular show that was labelled "immoral." If anyone recalls the reality TV show The Swan, the main point was to turn "ugly ducklings" into beauty pageant contestants, where they competed to become "The Ultimate Swan." Why is this immoral you ask? If turning plastic surgery into a contest doesn't make you think twice, I don't know what will. Many people disliked the show based upon the fact that it basically told young women everywhere "If you don't like they way you look, there's a way to fix that." And if there's a cure for bad looks, then there's a cure for everything...right? Had the show not been cancelled at the end of 2004, I think that there would be a lot more people going under the knife. However, I am only presenting one (slightly extremeist) view point. Keep in mind that the main goal of the show was to help women overcome their own view of themselves. Plastic surgery wasn't the only thing they underwent to compete in the pageant - they had fitness trainers, stylists and the like. But amongst all those, they also had a phsycologist. Keep in mind that many of these women thought that they were the most hideous being to walk the planet. Having that kind of self esteem is definetly unhealthy, and this show was supposed to help "cure" them. Cure them it did, but in doing so, turned plastic surgery into something that it shouldn't be: a game show.

Apr 11, 2007

My Randomness...

On what level or basis can we measure the unmeasurable? Is that even something worth worrying about? If we could measure everything, the world would either be plain, or in ruins. Because if everything could be measured, everybody would have the same amount of everything, making the world very plain. On the other hand, if everything could be measured, everyone would fight about why someone else has more of something...on and on. That's why there is so much unknown about the world. We have to guess and take chances, that way, we can learn and progress forward. To believe that the world should be plain is unthinkable: no cultural difference, no celebrations, and no differentiations. On the other hand, that could be the key to world peace... But is that trade-off worth it? Is it worth leaving behind your culture? Your history? And even though many people would want to leave it, all they'd do is trade it for a "better" one. And that's where fighting begins: the thought of something being better than something else.

Apr 2, 2007

My Fuel for Thought

As you can imagine, our school is aimed at giving back to the public. Part of that giving back is educating us in what we can do to either help or prevent bad things from happening. Well, in one of my classes, we started going over the use of fuel. We were then assigned to research about oil spills. Everyone has heard of the tragedy of the Exxon Valdez, but what has been done to prevent incidents like the Valdez's case from ever happening again? It turns out that there have been MANY more oil spills that have occurred after the Exxon Valdez crash of the coast of Alaska.

To enlighten you on the Valdez's crash, it occurred off the coast of Alaska near Port William Sound. What really caused the crash you may ask? Well, I'll counter that question with another question, What are sailors notorious for? Drinking. And drinking the captain was. In fact, he was so busy getting drunk, when he put the auto-pilot on, he didn't realize that there was a slight error in the navigation that he had given. Of course, there was someone watching right? WRONG! The watchman joined the captain for a couple (or probably a lot) of beers. The Exxon Valdez was going at a speed fast enough to put the entire ship on top of the reef. As a result, almost all of the crude oil that the ship was carrying bled into the ocean, causing massive environmental and ecological damage.

However, a very recent crash has occurred of the Guilmaras Islands (near the Philippines). Although not as much oil spill out of the tanker Solar 1 as the Exxon Valdez, the oil has spread as much as 20 nautical miles, causing 200 of miles of beach sand to become blackened by the industrial oil. Plus, it is also a threat to the economy of the Islands, as well as the Island's environment. If the mangrove trees die, there will be nothing to stop mud from reaching the ocean when the rainy season comes. Then, the coral reefs will die, killing many of the fish. The fisherman depend on the healthy reef for food and money. Everything is being done the communities on Guilmaras Islands and the parent company of the tanker Petron. The company is "doing everything humanly possible to help."

To see other oil spills and their effects, click here.

So now you might be asking "Why do oil spills still occur? Didn't we learn anything from the Exxon Valdez?" Yes we did. Now, all tankers are reinforced with a stronger and more durable hull...not to mention that there's now two instead of one. There are also harsher punishments for violations of safety rules. All is being done to prevent another disaster like the Valdez from happening again, the question is "What are you doing?"

Mar 14, 2007

My Laboratory Comparisons

I received this information in a lab experiment that we performed. These comparisons are interesting, and however irrelevant it may be to anything, it just makes you think about how big or small everything seems to be. Just keep reading and you'll see what I'm talking about.

One part per million is one second in 12 days of your life.
One part per billion is one second in 32 years of your life.

One part per million is one pinch of salt in 20 pounds of potato chips.
One part per billion is one pinch of salt in 10 tons (20,000 lbs) of potato chips.

One part per million is one inch of 16 miles.
One part per billion is one inch in 16,000 miles.
One part per TRILLION is one step on a journey to the sun!

Imagine the comparisons in retrospect to the universe or other things... They can be real eye openers.

Mar 13, 2007

My Affairs on the Internal

Would you want to spend your entire life helping people? Slowly turning the world into a better place one life at a time. In turn, your life would become a living hell because you wouldn't be able to turn to anyone; they turn to you. Would a life of self-sacrifice for the better good be a worth-while life?

The reason why I bring up this question is because of a person I know. Everyone goes to this person for help, and in return they receive none. I don't know if it's blown out of proportion or not, but hearing this person explain how they feel - it just seems...intolerable.

I just hate to see people sad or angry, and I always try to get them in a better mood. In a broader spectrum, let's just say I like to help people. The problem is, I admit that I am not the best person to turn to, but should the occasion arise, I take it with full stride. However, to have people turn to you on instinct has always been an "attribute" that I've wanted to aquire. But after trying to help person-who-always-helps-but-gets-none-in-return, I'm starting to rethink that idea. I admit that there is no better feeling than knowing that you have brightened someone's day. But the sweet aint sweet without the sour.

Mar 6, 2007

My POV on High School

I find it funny when the median on a test is at or below 50%. That means that the people who gave you the test were testing you more on what you don't know than what you know. And hey, isn't that High School? We are constantly mountains of new information, making it almost impossible for us to develop a single skill in something. BUT WAIT!!! That's what college is for... Yes, yes. And High School is just the introduction.

So what do we do with the mountains of information? We either use it, or lose it. Many people can't even remember things that they've learned in seventh grade (Home Economics anyone?). But in reality, much of that information we obtain from our teachers won't be used ever again after college. Unless you teach math, when are you ever going to use the quadratic formula? It seems like a waste of time and effort; to learn something, then get tested on it, then let it rot away in the back of your head until you die. However, this is the land of opportunity. There is no reason that no one shouldn't succeed in America.

"What if I failed high school English?"
"You're screwed!"

So much seems to ride on our high school transcript that many people lose sight of what can really be done in America. Look at our ancestors and all of the past immigrants who came here with virtually nothing; they worked countless hours and devoted every waking moment of their lives to ensure that we - the future generation(s) - would have a better life. Most of that came through hard labor. Of course no one wants to do it, but that's what makes the end of the week that much sweeter.

Anything can be done in this country, high school graduate or not. Hell, I know someone who got a 2.0 in high school and didn't even go to college. His parent's aren't the proudest, but when I talked to him he seemed eager to go to work every week. Granted he's not earning a triple digit salary by painting houses, but he thinks that he can go somewhere with what he's doing. And with that attitude, I believe he can.

Mar 4, 2007

My Kind of Jogging

Everyone remembers the earthquake that struck us last November. In fact, I'm sure many people remember what they couldn't do - no electricity, and in some cases, no running water. However, that 'sparked' opportunities for many people to actually do things that they haven't done in a while. I actually got to skip out on doing chores and homework. In turn, I actually got active; I went outside for a little jog through the neighborhood.
For those of you who have seen the movie Forrest Gump, you may recall that he went jogging for about 2 - 3 years. And there are three things that jogging does for you:

1) Get the blood pumping and strengthens your heart
2) Gets your mind to keep telling you "Almost there...don't stop now."
and finally,
3) Gives you time to think.

I don't know about you, but whenever I jog, my mind seems to empty out the school related material and all that other junk. After all, running is simple - put one foot in front of the other and don't stop. It's not like other sports where you have to think about where to place your fingers or concentrate on doing something in a specific manner. In turn, this can "free your mind" from various stresses.

You can only do one thing with a free mind, and that's think. Whenever I go running/jogging/etc, I start to think. And it's not something complicated like the meaning of the universe, it's just simple things that pop into my head. For example, that I day I began to think about how much we are reliant on electricity.

If you dont believe me, just go jogging for yourself. Just follow the road and keep putting one foot in fron of the other. Soon enough, you'll start thinking about something. (You might begin thinking that what I said was false, and that you aren't thinking about anything, but in fact you are thinking about something.) Running or jogging also gives you time to reflect on things. Why did I do so bad on that test? or What would've happened if I ask so-and-so out?

You'd be surprised at what simple things do to you.

Feb 28, 2007

My POV on Reality TV

Has anyone really looked at what's on the television recently? Saturday morning cartoons seem to have lost their power over kinds these days, but there's something that just grabs people's attention - Reality TV shows. Now, don't get me wrong; some of the reality shows on TV are indeed interesting and captivating. However, many of the shows that fall in this genre are (in my opinion) generally stereotyped in a category that shouts "stupid."
Take for example ABC's 'Extreme Makeover.' For those of you unfamiliar with this show, a plastic surgeon (along with a hair stylist, fashion expert, and personal trainer) changes men's and women's lives by giving them {ultimately} a new body. Whilesome critics thought that turning plastic surgery into a TV show was the most unethical thing a broadcasting company could do, many people tuned into watch anyway. Viewers watched as an individual's life changed from (generally) poor to good, all from a makeover. Many people were unconfident with their bodies, or complained that they couldn't interact with people because of their [natural] looks. Some people suffered prejudice, and others just plain old bad luck. The result of each patient involves a message being sent out to the viewers (which I will let you decide for yourself). But believe me, the results are actually amazing; take a look for yourself.
You may be thinking to yourself, wow...that sounds familiar. That's because 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' is the more successful and more recognized show from the same producers and company.

Another reality show that I stereotyped was VH1's 'The (White) Rapper Show.' Aside from being ridiculously addicting, this show actaully holds some value for every viewer. While everyone tunes in to see if white people can really rap, the show does more than prove that anyone can rap if they try hard enough. However, this show does more than entertain, it actually educates. Don't believe me? Well, the show is designed to educate viewers about the culture of hip-hop - how it was formed, how it has changed, how it has been turned into the empire it is now, and how it influences people.
Without a doubt, there are some really ridiculous shows out there. (I'm not pointing any fingers but, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader is a strong competitor.) But what may seem like something stupid might actually turn out to be something worth watching.

Feb 26, 2007

My POV on Stupid people

Not a few nights ago did someone drive a car into a tree, killing a young woman in the process. What amazes me is that I constantly drive along that road (which is a couple of blocks from my house) and everyone (yes including myself) seems to speed. While I maybe going 35 in a 25 mph zone, this guy was zooming. I'm guessing he was going around 70 or 80 because it is very hard to lose traction on a road like that. What amazes me more is that the driver at fault NEVER DIES. It always ends up being a passenger (in this case), or a pedestrian. And yet at the same time, this doesn't seem to surprise me, just anger me. Who knows?... Maybe someone kept them on Earth to deal punishment?

People say good things happen to good people. People say bad things happen to people who are careless. Then reality comes in and says "Bad things happen to good people." Synonomous with reality would be unfairness.

Feb 23, 2007

My Recollection

Five years ago, I remember my dad driving me to a local Salvation Army store. He drove our Jeep into the back lot, put it in Park, and got out. He opened the trunk and began talking with another man in the back lot.
"What are you donating?" he asked.
"Clothes," replied my dad. "Mainly children's though."
"Alright, bring the bags here."
As he unloaded the big, black trash bags stuffed with clothes from the Jeep, I remember noticing an old tricycle leaned up against the painted brick wall. The handles were worn out, the metal frame covered in brown rust, and the tires deflated. The man noticed my inquisitive stare.
"Someone threw that back here last night. Such a shame. It can be repaired, but some people just throw things away without a second thought."
"But it's rusty...and the tires have holes in them." I thought he was just joking around.
"I can buy rust remover, a pair of new tires and handlebars for less than you think." he retorted. "Look here son, this bike can still be used. The fellow who threw the bike over the fence thought that it was trash. But as they say, 'One mans trash, another mans treasure.'"
I think I began to understand him.
"This bike can bring a smile to some child's face. You should consider yourself fortunate. Never forget that there is always someone worse off than you, and it's your job to try and help them."
After my dad filled out the last of the papers, he got in the Jeep and began to leave. As he pulled out onto the main street, I glanced inside of the sotre and saw a small child with their mother. The child was pointing at a small pair of shoes resting on a table. It never really occured to me until that point that not all people have jobs or homes or even clothes.

Feb 18, 2007

happeh chinee new yeer

Gong Xi Fa Cai
Yes, you can say "Kung Hee Fat Choy", but it's basically the same thing...

And now onto what this blog is for...

Well, we're about half way through our four day weekend, trying to recover from a very tumultuous week. Since school is the source of all this trouble, anything NOT having to deal with it seems to be an escape route. Ironically, a test at 7:30, a project due at 12:30, and practice after school doesn't help my point. However, as much as possible, I (and many other people I'm sure) try my best to drift off into my own little space where there is no tragedy to be found. Listening to music, playing some drums, heck...even shooting something (not someone) might do some good. But the scar never trully heals... It is that little note etched into the back of our minds that can't be erased or pened away. Only to be lost, and found time to time again.

Feb 16, 2007

Funny first thought

I just realized that many people could do this in school...legally speaking. Rather than MySpace, people could just waste their time (productively) posting...or blogging...whatever. Sounds fun though...